
Download Cook County Car Seat Program free
Download Cook County Car Seat Program free

Download Cook County Car Seat Program free

Available from: http: //gov/injury/wisqars/index. National Center for Injury Prevention and Control Website. Web-based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS). 4 1 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. In 9 out of 10 drowning deaths nationally, a parent or caregiver claimed to be supervising the child.The majority to drowning death from children under 1 year old happen in bath tubs or large buckets.Swimming pools are the most common site for a drowning to occur among children 1 to 4 years old.Drowning is the third leading cause of unintentional injuryrelated death among children 14 and under.Since 1999, an average of 815 children ages 14 and under die as a result of unintentional drowning each year.Child restraint system use and misuse in six states. 3 Partners for Child Passenger Safety Fact and Trend Report (October 2006). 2 Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, Status Report 32, no. Children ages 14 and younger killed in motor vehicle traffic crashes by person type, fatality analysis reporting system (FARS) 1975 -2009 ARF. 4 1 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, National Center for Statistics and Analysis, Data Reporting and Information Division. The most common forms of misuse for all CRSs include loose vehicle seat belt attachment to the CRS and loose harness straps securing the child to the CRSs. 3 Unfortunately, studies show to 84% of CRSs showed at least one critical misuse. in 1999, 15% of children between the ages of 0 to 8 were restrained, and by 2005, 73 % of children were in CRSs. 2 More families are using child restraint systems (CRS). 1 Children who are properly restrained have an 80% lower risk of fatal injury than those unrestrained. Each year, an estimated 1900 child occupants under 14 years of age die as a result of a motor vehicle incident. Safe Kids helped enact booster seat laws in 48 states at the state level. There are over 34, 000 currently certified child passenger safety technicians and instructors. As the Certifying Body, Safe Kids administers all aspects of CPS certification and maintains a directory of nationally certified CPS Technicians and Instructors. The National Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Certification Training Program is a partnership between Safe Kids Worldwide, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the National CPS Board and program sponsor State Farm.

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